EducLang seminars are available on our YouTube Channel
You may also watch them via the playlist embedded below ⬇️
Archive of EducLang Seminars
2022 - 2024
EducLand Seminar with Monica Tang
How do you develop a sense of belonging and legitimacy? A pilot project that became a credited course in initial teacher training
Indigenous 101: An introduction to Indigenous Education with OCSB
Alanna Trines will be presenting our last event of the school year on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. and we are hoping to meet you in person.
Watch a recording of our seminar “Inégalités socio-scolaires et relations de pouvoir”
Did you miss our most recent symposium held on March 16, 2022? You can watch the recording of Inégalités socio-scolaires et relations de pouvoir.
EducLang Seminar: Creating Space in Universities for Indigenous Language Activists
To be held on April 5, 2022. Presented by Dr. Andrea Sterzuk, Professor of language and literacies education in the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, and the Director of the Centre for Educational Research, Collaboration, and Development (CERCD)
Seminar: Linguistic risk-taking: Qu’avons-nous appris jusqu’à présent ?
Join Nikolay Slavkov, Associate Professor and Director of the Canadian Centre for Research and Studies in Bilingualism and Language Planning at the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute on January 27th, 2022.
2020 - 2021
Seminar with Catherine Maynard
Prendre appui sur la diversité linguistique pour engager les élèves dans l’apprentissage de l’orthographe grammaticale française en milieu pluriethnique et plurilingue
Seminar: Working Within the Research Assemblage
Reading Plagiarism in L2 Student Digitally Mediated Writing Differently
Seminar with Brahim Azaoui
Once upon a time ... storytelling mothers in kindergarten. Build your identities and learning through multimodality and plurilingualism.
Seminar with Drs. Antoinette Gagné and Shakina Rajendram
Teacher candidates opened themselves up in the same ways newcomer and refugee ELs did through the creation of their own Me Maps, and they engaged with the Me Maps of the ELs so as to view the learners holistically, not simply as “language learners.”
2018 - 2019
Seminar with Dr. Marie-Carène Pierre René
Code-crossing: Why do Canadian Black students use it?
Seminar with Dr. Gail Prasad
Designing linguistically expansive teaching and learning in multilingual school contexts
Seminar with Karita Mård-Miettinen
"In one sentence, there can easily be three different languages": Immersion students as users of multiple languages
Seminar with EducLang Member Monica Waterhouse
Teacher thinking and affectively-charged events in adult language classrooms
2017 - 2018
Seminar with EducLang Member Brigitte Murray
Francophone university students from French-Canadian minority contexts: Perspectives on French and English writing
Seminar with Robert Kohls, Assistant Professor of TESOL at San Francisco State University
Beliefs about good writing and a writer's voice in an after-school tutoring program
Seminar with EducLang members Gloria Romero and Douglas Fleming
International EFL Teacher Professional Development and Decolonization: Studying West China Projects at the Faculty of Education
Seminar with EducLang member Meike Wernicke
The Native Speaker in L2 Education: What is the Impact on Teacher Identity?
Seminar with EducLang Member Joël Thibault
Teaching grammar using the plurinormalist repertoire of students: A paradox?