Student Voices is a place to share your experiences as an EducLang graduate student. This is a space for your insights on both academic and non-academic topics as you complete your studies. Posts related to achieving academic milestones, exciting readings, and anything any everything in between can be found here!
Have something you want to share or see from Student Voices? Musings about a reading you did? Something you learned at a workshop or event? Send us your submission by the 15th of each month to Photos and videos can be included. We welcome posts in any language from students at the Master's and PhD levels.

The gift of language
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication

We have a YouTube channel
Subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you don’t miss out on our upcoming videos

Thesis defense successfully completed
Congratulations to Gene Vasilopoulos for successfully defending her thesis

Home languages in the French language classroom? But of course!
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication

Congratulations, Alaa
Last month, EducLang Grad student member Alaa Azan won the 1st place presentation award for her Fast5 presentation

Dearest Education Graduate Students of Colour
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication!

Data collection completed!
Congratulations to Alaa Azan for completing her data collection!

“So what do you do?”: Third space professionals navigating a Canadian university context
Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest publication

Seminar Series
Prendre appui sur la diversité linguistique pour engager les élèves dans l’apprentissage de l’orthographe grammaticale française en milieu pluriethnique et plurilingue Professeure Catherine Maynard, Université Laval Friday, April 16 at 4:30pm Online via Zoom : Note : at the beginning of this session, all participants are muted and must go through a wait room. […]

Racism as a social determinant: COVID-19 and its impacts on racial/ethnic minorities
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication