Group members
Stephanie Arnott
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Stephanie Arnott is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. She completed her PhD in Second Language Education at OISE (University of Toronto) and worked as an elementary core French as a second language (FSL) teacher in Toronto (Ontario). She is presently coordinator of the Second Language Education Cohort (cL2c) in the Teacher Education program, and co-coordinator of the Second Language Teaching (SLT/ELS) program in partnership with the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI/ILOB). Her research focuses on second language education in Canada, including the shortage of French as a second language (FSL) teachers, the implementation of the CEFR in Canada, and innovation aimed at retaining teachers and students in FSL programs. Arnott is the recipient of the 2023 Robert Roy Award in second language teaching and research.
Research interests:
- Student motivation in learning second/additional languages
- Canadian integration and adaptation of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (e.g. use of language portfolios in FSL teacher education)
- Canadian French as a second language (FSL) program implementation and stakeholder perspectives.
Selected publications:
Peer-reviewed journals
- Fleming, D., Mbida, L., Bangou, F., Fleuret, C., Masson, M., Thibeault, J., &Arnott, S. (accepted). Plurilingualism: A review of theory and current practice. TESOL Canada Journal.
- Azan, A., &Arnott, S. (accepted). From the peripheral to the transboundary: Documenting the lived experiences of students and parents with online math tutoring services. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth.
- Arnott, S., Smith, C., Battistuzzi, A., Adatia, S., & Vignola, M.J. (2023). Exploring language examiner training as professional learning in a Canadian teacher education program. Second Language Teacher Education, 1(2), 89-113.
- Wernicke, M., Masson, M.,Arnott, S., Le Bouthillier, J., & Kristmanson, P. (2022). La rétention d’enseignantes et d’enseignants de français langue seconde au Canada: Au-delà d’une stratégie de recrutement. Éducation et Francophonie, 50(2).
- Smith, C. &Arnott, S. (2022). “French teachers can figure it out”: Understanding French as a second language (FSL) teachers’ work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), 88-109.
- Arnott, S.& Mady, C. (2013), Obstacles and opportunities for literacy teaching: A case study of primary core French classrooms in Ontario, Language and Literacy, 15 (2), 101-127.
- Arnott, S.(2011), Exploring the dynamic relationship between the Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) and the core French teachers who use it: Why agency and experience matter, Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14 (2), 156-176.
- Mady, C. & Arnott, S. (2010), Exploring the 'situation' of situational willingness to communicate: A volunteer youth exchange perspective, Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13 (2), 1-26.
Prizes and distinctions:
Francis Bangou
Full Professor, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Education
Francis Bangou is Full Professor in Second Language Education (French and English). His research focuses on the adaptation of second language teachers and learners to unfamiliar teaching and Learning environments, and the implementation of digital technologies in second language education. Professor Bangou earned his PhD in Foreign and Second Language Education at Ohio State University and joined the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Education in 2007. He is the Director of the research group EDUCLANG.
Learn more about his research at Disrupting Teacher Education in CALL.
Areas of specialization:
- Teacher education in Technology Enhanced Language Education
- Poststructural perspectives in L2 Education
- Post Qualitative research inquiries
- ESL/FSL/Language of schooling
- Plurilingualism
Research areas:
Research interests:
- Second language education
- Training for second language teachers
- Information and communication technologies in second language teaching
- Post-structuralism
Prizes and distinctions:
- Award for Excellence in Teaching 2021: Awards and distinctions | Faculty of Education (
- Award for Excellence in Education 2022-2023 Professor Francis Bangou wins Excellence in Education Prize | Faculty of Education (
Douglas Fleming
Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Douglas Fleming's research focuses on ESL, citizenship and critical pedagogy. He teaches courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels that focus on current social and political issues in second language research, ESL methodology and program development, multicultural citizenship education, equity and language policy. He has over 50 publications and invited contributions to date and has worked on numerous professional, curriculum and material development projects for government, school districts, teacher associations and NGO's. Professor Fleming was awarded a New Scholar Fellowship Award by the Canadian Society for Studies in Education in 2010. Prior to graduating from UBC with a PhD in Language and Literacy Education in 2007, he was an administrator and teacher for 20 years in the Toronto (Ontario) and Surrey (British Columbia) School Districts. Learn more about his research:
Research interests:
- Critical and post-structural philosophy
- Applications to ESL teaching and research methodologies
- Second language policy development
- Inductive approaches to teaching
- Critical notions of citizenship
Selected publications:
Books Authored
- Fleming, D. (In press). Critical Second Language Education in Canada: Intersecting Language, Citizenship, Race, Gender, Policy, Decolonization and Curriculum. DIO Press, New York, NY.Chapters in Books
Chapters in Books
- Vasilopoulos, E. & Fleming, D. (In press). Epistemic Dependency in Global English Language Teaching: Problematizing the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities In T. Tinnefeld (Ed.), Saarbrücken Series on Linguistics and Language Methodology. Vol 12. Saarbrücken: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
- Fleming, D. (In press). New materialism and the Deleuzo-Guattarian critique of structural linguistics: Theoretical and practical implications for SLE. In Liontas, J. (Ed.). TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. New York: TESOL, Wiley.
- Farzi, R., Romero, G. & Fleming, D. (2021). Global English teaching: The multicultural and multilinguistic context of EFL teachers of rural China. In A. F. Selvi & B. Yazan, B. (Eds.), Language teacher education for global Englishes: A practical resource book (pp.38-43). New York: Routledge.
- Fleming, D. (2020). Decolonialization in the concrete: Honoring the expertise of local teachers in English as a foreign language contexts. In W. Tao & I. Liyanage (Eds.), Multilingual education yearbook 2020 (pp.81-94). Melbourne: Deakin University Press (pp.81-94).
- Fleming, D. (2020) Problematizing language: English as an international language, the native speaker and Deleuze’s use of the notion of becoming. In T. Tinnefeld (Ed.), The magic of language: Productivity in linguistics and language teaching: Saarbrücken Series on Linguistics and Language Methodology. Vol 11. Saarbrücken: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (pp.109-120).
Carole Fleuret
Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Carole Fleuret is a full professor in the Faculty of Education. She has a Ph.D. and M.A. in Education Sciences, with a didactic method option in French, as well as a Bachelor's degree in orthopedagogy from l'Université de Montréal. Her research focuses on second language didactics, plurilingual repertoires and multilingualism. She conducts studies on the appropriation of the writing, on orthographic development and on the socio-cognitive and cultural components involved in written socialization among minority populations, all from an intercultural perspective. She is also interested in the different models of reception services for newcomers. Following the 2022 publication of the 'Right to Read' report issued by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Centre Jules-Léger Consortium selected Professor Fleuret to co-lead the development and piloting of a reading intervention program for students in Francophone school boards in Ontario. Professor Fleuret also shares her expertise in education trends and research as a regular guest on the francophone radio station UniqueFM.
Research interests:
- Language and Cognitive Processes
- Children's literature
- Plurilingualism
- Invented spelling
Selected publications:
- Entrevue pour Radio CHGA concernant la loi sur l’interdiction des téléphones cellulaires en salle de classe au Québec.
- Entrevue pour le journal TVA-Abitibi-Témiscamingue concernant la loi sur l’interdiction des téléphones cellulaires en salle de classe au Québec.
- Baladodiffusions
- Micro ouvert sur l’orthopédagogie. L’intervention auprès d’apprenants plurilingues. Entretien avec Lucille Denys et Kristel El-Akouri.
- Les cafés du CREFO, entretien avec Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman :
Chapitres de livre avec comité de lecture
- Fleuret, C etNdibnu-Messina, J. (2023). La place des langues d’origine dans les systèmes scolaires camerounais et ontariens : état des lieux et regard prospectif. In A. Hager-M’Boua et Jaumont, F. (Eds.). A bilingual Revolution in Africa. CALEC
- Fleuret, C et Ndibnu-Messina, J. (2023). The place of heritage languages in the Cameroonian and Ontario school systems: the current state and a prospective view. In A. Hager-M’Boua et Jaumont, F. (Eds.). A bilingual Revolution in Africa. CALEC
- Fleuret, C. (2022). Biography, linguistic coexistence, and epistemological reflection.In, G. Prasad, N. Auger & E. Le Pichon (Eds).Multilingualism in context: Key concepts and practices in education. Cambridge University Press (p.126-133).
- Fleuret, C. et Dulude, E. (sous presse).Les politiques et les dispositifs qui façonnent l’expérience des élèves immigrants et des familles en contexte minoritaire francophone ontarien. Numéro spécial dirigé par Kanouté, F., Lafortune, G., Charrette, J. et Hassani, R G. L’école et les enjeux de diversité: expérience d’élèves et de membres du personnel scolaire d’origine immigrante. Éducation et francophonie.
- Fleming, D., *Mbida, L., Bangou, F.,Fleuret, C., Masson, M., Thibeault, J. & Arnott, S (In Press). Plurilingualism: A Review of Theory and Current Practice. TESOL
- Auger, N., Sauvage, J.Fleuret, C. Dalle, L. et Le Pichon, E. (2023). Multilingual pedagogies and digital technologies to support learning STEM in Canadian and French schools. Special Issue in Language, Culture and Curriculum.
- Fleuret, C. (2023).Repenser les gestes professionnels en contexte de francophonie minoritaire et de diversité ethnolinguistique.
- Fleuret, C. et Bangou, F. (2023).Diversité et langues en Ontario français : quel dessein pour la francophonie?
- Fleuret, C. (2023).Diversité, inclusion, macrocontexte et gestes professionnels d’enseignants : un état de la question à travers trois recherches exploratoires en contexte francophone ontarien. Revue d’éducation, V8 (1).
- Fleuret, C. & Thibeault, J. (2020). Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires.
- Fleuret, C., Bangou, F., Berger, M.J. (2015). Le programme d’Appui aux nouveaux arrivants : Un regard sur les pratiques pédagogiques mises en œuvre dans les écoles élémentaires de langue française.
- Fleuret, Montesinos-Gelet, I. (2012). Le rapport à l'écrit: habitus culturel et diversité.
Peer-reviewed journals
- Fleuret, C.& Sabatier, C. (2019). Le Français dans le Monde - Recherches et Applications, 65.
- Crépeau, N. &Fleuret, C. (2018). Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity, 2 (1), 101-122.
- Fleuret, C. & Auger, N. (2019). Translanguaging, recours aux langues et aux cultures de la classe autour de la littérature de jeunesse pour des publics allophones d’Ottawa (Canada) et de Montpellier (France) : opportunités et défis pour la classe , Cahiers de l’ILOB, 10, 107-136.
Prizes and distinctions:
- Award for Excellence in Education 2021-2022 Three Faculty of Education professors honoured for excellence in research and teaching | Faculty of Education (
Joël Thibeault
Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Joël Thibeault is a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa and an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina. His research interests include the teaching and learning of grammar in minority francophone contexts, the use of children's literature in the teaching of linguistic conventions, and the integrated didactics of French and English. In this regard, he has been awarded a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, enabling him to carry out large-scale research on the integrated teaching of French and English grammar.
Research interests:
- Linguistic minorities and Francophonie
- Educational Context
- Applied Linguistics
- Language and Cognitive Processes
- Sociolinguistics
- Grammar
- Morphology
- Syntax
Selected publications:
- Trottin, M. et Thibeault, J. (2023). Portrait des pratiques d’enseignants utilisant la littérature de jeunesse bi-/plurilingue dans les écoles élémentaires de langue française en Ontario. Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 79(4), 281-301.
- Thibeault, J. et Maynard, C. (2022). Quand les enseignants de français utilisent le métalangage et les manipulations syntaxiques dans plusieurs langues. La Revue de l’Association québécoise des enseignants de français langue seconde (AQEFLS), 35(1).
- Thibeault, J., Maynard, C. et Boisvert, M. (2022). Exploration de pratiques plurilingues et plurinormatives pour enseigner la grammaire en Ontario francophone. Éducation et francophonie, 50(3).
- Forget, M.-H. et Thibeault, J. (2022). Recommander une œuvre narrative en français et en anglais en 6e primaire : ce que des textes d’élèves révèlent de la découverte du genre en contexte de coenseignement bilingue. Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée, 25(2), 23-46.
- Thibeault, J. et Matheson, I. A. (2021). Investigating the reading strategies used by French immersion pupils as they engage with dual-language children’s books: a multiple case study. In Education, 27(1), 41-59.
- Thibeault, J. et Fleuret, C. (2020) (dir.). Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires. Entre normes scolaires et plurilinguismes. Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Prizes and distinctions:
- New Researcher Award 2023: Awards and distinctions | Faculty of Education (
Claude Quevillon Lacasse
Professeure adjointe, Faculté d’éducation de l’Université d’Ottawa
Claude Quevillon Lacasse is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. She holds a doctorate in education from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Since 2011, she has been a lecturer in initial and continuing training in language teaching, as well as in adult francization. She has also taught French as a second or teaching language, English as a second language and Spanish as a foreign language at the secondary level. She is currently President of Quebec Association for the Teaching of French as a Second Language (AQEFLS), and her research interests include the role of metalinguistic awareness in language learning, the didactics of grammar and writing, cross-linguistic pedagogy and the professional development of teachers.
Research interests:
- The role of metalinguistic awareness in language learning
- Teaching grammar and writing
- Cross linguistic pedagogy
- Professional development for teachers.
Selected publications :
- Quevillon Lacasse, C., Nadeau, M., Fisher, C., Giguère, M.-H. et Arseneau, R. (soumis). Effets d’une intervention en syntaxe et en ponctuation sur la complexité syntaxique en production écrite chez des élèves de 3e cycle primaire et de 1re secondaire en français, langue d’enseignement. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée.
- Quevillon Lacasse, C. (accepté). Enseigner la syntaxe en soutien à l’écriture en classe de FLS au secondaire : adaptation d’un dispositif didactique dans une perspective intégrée des langues. La Revue de l’AQEFLS.
- Thibeault, J. et Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2021). La conscience translinguistique des futurs enseignants de français de la Saskatchewan : le cas des déterminants possessifs. La Revue de l’AQEFLS, 34(1). En ligne :
- Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2020). Projet Transfert ELA-FLS : Projet de développement professionnel d’enseignants pour encourager les élèves à transférer leurs apprentissages langagiers. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 76(4), 395-411.
- Ballinger, S., Lau, S. et Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2020). Cross-Linguistic Pedagogy: Harnessing Transfer in the Classroom / Pédagogie interlinguistique : exploiter les transferts en classe. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 76(4), 265-292.
- Nadeau, M., Quevillon Lacasse, C., Giguère, M.-H., Arseneau, R. et Fisher, C. (2020). Teaching syntax and punctuation in French L1: How the notion of sentence was operationalized in innovative didactic devices. L1-Education Studies in Language and Literature, 20(3), 1-28.
- Thibeault, J. et Quevillon Lacasse, C. (2019). Démocratiser la grammaire et son enseignement grâce à la littérature de jeunesse en contexte plurilingue. Le langage et l’homme : Revue de didactique du français, 54, 207-220.
Mimi Masson
Part-time Professor (Long-term appointment), Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Mimi Masson is Part-time Professor (long-term appointment) in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. She completed her PhD in Language and Literacies Education at OISE (University of Toronto) and worked as an elementary and junior high school English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher in Nagasaki (Japan). She is presently the cohort lead of the Second Language Education Cohort (cL2c) in the Teacher Education program. Her research focuses on second language teacher professional learning and identity development with a special focus on investigating the knowledge base of French as second language (FSL) teachers, collaborative learning networks, and arts-based research and teaching methodologies.
Areas of specialisation:
- K-12 French as a second language (FSL) Pedagogy
- ESL/EFL Pedagogy
- Language Teacher Identity
- Language Teacher Professional Learning
- Language Teacher Retention and Recruitment
- Collaborative Learning Networks
- Arts-based Research and Teaching Methodologies
- Critical Perspectives in L2 Education
Research areas:
Marie-Josée Vignola
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Marie-Josée Vignola is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. She holds a Bachelor of Education with a specialization in teaching French as a second language (McGill University), a Master's degree in French Linguistics (Queen's University) and a Doctorate in Education (University of Ottawa). She is the Coordinator of the B.A. Program in Second Language Teaching. Her teaching and research focuses mainly on French as a second language (FSL) teaching. Her areas of interest include the training of FSL teachers as well as French immersion and core French programs in the Canadian context. She is also interested in the writing process and the relationship to writing of Francophones in minority contexts.
Areas of specialisation:
- French as a second language (FSL) teaching
- FSL teacher training
- French immersion
- Core French
- Francophones in minority contexts
Research area: