Publication of Critical Second Language Education in Canada
A book penned by Douglas Fleming, EducLang member
The Fall 2023 special issue of the Education Review, Edition 8, is now available
The excellence of our members is recognized
within the academic and educational communitiesPrizes and awards for Stephanie Arnott, Francis Bangou, Carole Fleuret and Joël Thibeault
Two new publications by EducLang Members
Francis Bangou, Monica Waterhouse, Douglas Fleming, Joël Thibeault and Carole Fleuret
Research group members are nationally and internationally renowned in the area of language teaching.

Stephanie Arnott
Associate professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Francis Bangou
Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Carole Fleuret
Full Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Joël Thibeault
Associate professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Claude Quevillon Lacasse
Assistant professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Douglas Fleming
Full professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Our research focuses on five key areas
16 February 2024
Publication of Critical Second Language Education in Canada
Penned by Douglas Fleming, EducLang member
1 February 2024
The Fall 2023 special issue of the Education Review, Edition 8, is now available.
This special issue stems from two symposia organized by the Education and Languages (EducLang) research group at the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique, Éducation et Formation (LIRDEF) at the University of...
24 January 2024
Congratulations to our collaborator Claude Quevillon-Lacasse for her new article
"Improving students’ punctuation: classroom experimentation and results in texts by primary and secondary school students in Quebec" is published in Didactiques.
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Collective catalogue of FSL books for Diversity
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Bagages Watch the amazing movie Bagages, produced by teachers from the Marguerite Bourgeois school board. This movie on the migratory journey is touching, real, without pathos… it raises awareness on the meaning of the migratory journey and the sacrifices...
I Learn America
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