Call for papers
Submit papers relating to our five key research areas
EducLang would like to invite you to submit a proposal related to our five key research areas.
Submission deadline is February 28, 2018
Proposal requirements
We are accepting proposals for:
- A 20 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute discussions
- A 2 hour symposia
File format
Proposals should be submitted in an MS Word or Adobe PDF document and should be no longer than 300 words (symposia) or 200 words (presentation).
A double blind review of the proposals will be conducted by the scientific committee based on the significance of the topic, of the theoretical framework, and the methodology
Required information
Proposals must include the following details:
- Full name of the first and second authors
- Affiliated institution
- Position
- Email address
Background information
Nowadays, population mobility is an undeniable reality and school must rethink its educational mission. Indeed, even though social inequalities are a growing concern across societies, it is now obvious that the educational decisions made by the government still favour a monolingual, homogeneous and Eurocentric vision that is totally inconsistent with learners’ heterogeneity. Yet learners’ school and social integration stem from a continuum of knowledge they acquire gradually.
However, it seems we are quick to forget that the school language is also the students’ learning language. Advances in language didactic research clearly outline the necessity to consider the learners’ plurilingual repertoires in order to, on one hand, echo their habitus, and on the other, foster second language learning.
The objective of the Education and Languages (EducLang) Conference is therefore to take stock of the issues related to language teaching and learning while examining existing training programs, experience of actors involved in this process, and the relation between languages, cultures, education and societies, etc.
As part of this Conference, we would like to invite you to reflect on those topics. More specifically, we have identified five key areas that we believe characterize educational issues in the 21st century and that are related to EducLang’s research work.
Strand 1 - Technologies and Language Education will focus on the study of the integration process and the use of technologies in second language teaching and learning. More precisely, the links between language, culture and society, and their influence on the appropriation and use of the information and communication technologies by language teachers and learners will be explored.
Strand 2 - French as a Second Language (FSL) Education will centre on investigating stakeholder perspectives and experiences in FSL programs. More precisely, it aims to shed light on the lived experiences of students, teachers, principals, parents and other community members as they engage in the learning of French as a second language.
Strand 3 - Equity and Second language Education will be devoted to the study of the links between citizenship and the acquisition of second languages in the contexts of immigration and refugee diaspora. Specifically, we propose to consider how globalization has affected issues related to the integration of second language newcomers and other minoritized groups into educational systems.
Strand 4 - Plurilingual Contexts, Interculturality and the Language of schooling will explore appropriation of the language of schooling by considering students’ language repertoires and documenting their contribution to this acquisition process within the school environment.
Strand 5 - Second Language Teacher Training will focus on the training of future second language teachers with a particular interest in future teachers whose first language is not the language they are going to teach.