Two new publications penned by EducLang members
1. Deterritorializing Language, Teaching, Learning, and Research. 2. Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires
1. Deterritorializing Language, Teaching, Learning, and Research. 2. Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires
Code-crossing: Why do Canadian Black students use it?
She is the proud recipient of the 2019 prize from the Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada Association
Dr. Susan Ballinger, McGill University. An invitation to all faculty, staff and students.
Designing linguistically expansive teaching and learning in multilingual school contexts
“In one sentence, there can easily be three different languages”: Immersion students as users of multiple languages
Each year, CASLT offers up to five Research and Special Initiatives Grants for Teachers ($1,000 maximum each).
A listing of articles recently published by members of the group
A big thank you to our graphic designer, Virginie Di Mambro, for her handywork
Application will open in May 2018 and remain open through August