Publication of Critical Second Language Education in Canada
Penned by Douglas Fleming, EducLang member
Penned by Douglas Fleming, EducLang member
This special issue stems from two symposia organized by the Education and Languages (EducLang) research group at the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique, Éducation et Formation (LIRDEF) at the University of Montpellier
“Improving students’ punctuation: classroom experimentation and results in texts by primary and secondary school students in Quebec” is published in Didactiques.
“From linguistic insecurity to security: Complexity and diversity of contexts” is published by OLBI Journal
Articles published in The Canadian Modern Language Review
Congratulations to EducLang members Stephanie Arnott, Francis Bangou, Carole Fleuret and Joël Thibeault
“Every Teacher is a Language Teacher: Social justice and equity through language education”, volume 2 now out
Voix et voies des enseignants du Programme de langues internationales de l’Ontario (openedition.org)
How do you develop a sense of belonging and legitimacy? A pilot project that became a credited course in initial teacher training
We would like to share with you what the EducLang group and our wonderful team of graduate students have accomplished and what is to come.