Thesis defence successfully completed
Congratulations to Michael Boucher for successfully defending his thesis! All the best for your future career in education!
Congratulations to Michael Boucher for successfully defending his thesis! All the best for your future career in education!
Congratulations to Shelina Adatia for completing all her data collection! Good luck with data analysis over the next few months!
We hope that you are enjoying your summer and that you manage to stay safe and cool!
Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest chapter publication!
Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest chapter publication!
Congratulations to Amanda Battistuzzi for completing all her MEd course work! Good luck with the Major Research Paper (MRP) over the next few months!
Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest chapter publication!
Penned by Douglas Fleming, EducLang member
This special issue stems from two symposia organized by the Education and Languages (EducLang) research group at the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique, Éducation et Formation (LIRDEF) at the University of Montpellier
“Improving students’ punctuation: classroom experimentation and results in texts by primary and secondary school students in Quebec” is published in Didactiques.