The SSHRC Storytellers Showcase: Part II
In June 2019, I arrived in beautiful Vancouver filled with excitement and anticipation
In June 2019, I arrived in beautiful Vancouver filled with excitement and anticipation
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication
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Congratulations to Gene Vasilopoulos for successfully defending her thesis
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication
Last month, EducLang Grad student member Alaa Azan won the 1st place presentation award for her Fast5 presentation
Congratulations Shelina Adatia on your latest publication!
Congratulations to Alaa Azan for completing her data collection!
Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest publication
Prendre appui sur la diversité linguistique pour engager les élèves dans l’apprentissage de l’orthographe grammaticale française en milieu pluriethnique et plurilingue Professeure Catherine Maynard, Université Laval Friday, April 16 at 4:30pm Online via Zoom : https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/j/99774722694?pwd=b0JXWnRScUt3bE9vZ1BJdmR6N09Rdz09 Note : at the beginning of this session, all participants are muted and must go through a wait room. […]