Congratulations Cameron Smith on your latest chapter publication!
Smith, C. W., & Peller, P. (2020). “You can’t get there from here”: Mapping access to Canada’s teacher education programs. In D. Gereluk & M. Corbett (Eds.), Rural Education in Canada: Connecting Land and People (pp. 75–98). Springer Nature Singapore.
Most Canadian teacher education programs are offered in urban centres, resulting in limited access for rural and remote Canadians unwilling or unable to relocate to participate in pre-service teacher education. To better understand the extent of this issue and provide Canadian teacher education programs with current data, this study examines how many Canadians live within a reasonable commuting distance from at least one program—a distance we define as a 1-hour drive, one-way. Using ArcGIS and current Statistics Canada data, we analyze the populations that have geographic access to Canadian programs, the populations that are excluded, and offer recommendations for stakeholders across institutions so that we might continue to improve how we offer teacher education to students in rural and remote communities across the country.